Stop Talking and Start Listening For Increased Sales
Your customers will tell you exactly what they want and need to close the deal. Are you listening? Top performing sales executives know how to “listen for” the real message behind their customers’ words and actions. With that knowledge, they can easily clarify and bottom-line the essence of the message to “bridge the gap” between customer values and desires and their product’s attributes. Strong trusting relationships are built when customers feel heard, respected and valued, rather than badgered, glad-handed or “sold.”
This fun, interactive, practical and compelling sales training moves beyond mere technique – it presents a new paradigm in authentic sales communication. Move from autobiographical listening to listening for what’s most important to your customer. Forward the action in all stages of the sales process with clear knowledge of how your product can satisfy your customer’s deepest values and desires. Get to the bottom line more quickly when the match is right, and know how to cut bait when it isn’t.
you will learn to:
Maximize impact of face-to-face and phone meetings
Communicate with clarity and confidence
Effectively bridge the gap between what your customer values and how your product delivers
Pose powerful questions that transform relationships
Clarify information and values to ensure the desired results
“Get in the dance” by acknowledging your customer with authentic interest and fascination
Hear the true message by assessing the similarities or differences in what the customer is saying and their non-verbal communication
who will benefit:
Sales executives
Sales managers
Sales representatives
Sales assistants
Participants: 8 to 18 (max)
Format: 1-2 day onsite intensive with two learning facilitators
Integration support:
30-day integration support via teleclass
10 integrative exercises
3 private coaching sessions for each participant