Your people will tell you exactly what they value, what they need and how they want to be treated…
Are you listening?
Exceptional leaders know how to listen for the real message behind the words and actions of employees, supervisors, customers and colleagues. They know how to engage others and listen for what excites them—and with that knowledge—clarify and streamline their message to build strong trusting relationships in which people feel heard, respected and valued.
This fun, interactive, practical and compelling workshop moves beyond mere technique—it presents a new paradigm in authentic leadership communication. Move from autobiographical and manipulative listening to authentic listening—being fully present and hearing the essence of what’s most important to your employee, boss, customer or colleague. Get to the bottom line and forward the action in all management processes with clear knowledge and insight.
you will learn to:
Listen and communicate with clarity and confidence
Empower and inspire employees to perform at their highest capacity
Maximize impact of face-to-face and phone meetings
Pose powerful questions that transform relationships
Clarify information and values to ensure the desired results
Acknowledge employees and colleagues with authentic interest and fascination
Hear the true message by assessing the similarities or differences in what people are saying and their non-verbal communication
who will benefit:
Leaders and individual contributors who play a facilitator role, formally or informally
Subject matter experts
Field and regional managers
Sales and marketing managers
Finance and operations managers
IT managers
Project managers and team leaders
Administrative managers
HR professionals
Participants: 8 to 15 (max)
Format: 2-3 day onsite intensive with two learning facilitators
Integration support:
30-day integration support via teleclass
12 integrative exercises
3 private coaching sessions for each participant